Is Your Company Suffering from the Inertia Malaise? Ten Steps towards Business Transformation

Developing rich content that piques the interest of a company’s target audience is the key component to drive growth and value for your company in the marketplace. This compelling content delivers insight to your customers and prospects. It addresses the question of why, while leading customers and prospects to ask the question, “how?” There are 5 captivating reasons to understand the link between rich content and success in the modern marketing engine.

  1. Compelling content creates a positive experience for customers and prospects and makes them more likely to respond to your messages and seek you out for more information.

  2. Rich content is a key component to make your digital marketing strategies successful. Digital marketing is one tool in your arsenal that is more successful in developing brand recognition versus lead generation. Digital marketing without the foundation of this kind of content is empty of value. It diminishes your brand.

  3. A modern marketing approach requires your marketing team to deliver this content in a myriad of marketing vehicles. These vehicles include target mass marketing, digital marketing, public relations, and event marketing.

  4. Rich content positions your organization as a repository of Subject Matter Expertise. It drives your target audience to your website, landing pages, blogs, white papers, and events (seminars, conferences, webinars) as more than just places to seek answers to challenges, but to gain Insight to “out of the box” thinking.

  5. This approach builds pipelines of serious and more qualified prospects. It dramatically reduces the first stages of identifying and qualifying opportunity. The Modern Marketing engine increases closing rates and makes your salespeople more efficient and successful.

What comprises successful content? This content should revolve around the question: “What would mean to your company/organization if …?” Do not make the mistake of creating content the revolves around your company. This content should focus on how your prospects and customers are better companies because of your company’s products and/or services. They will drive growth and/or value in their company because of your products/services; they will generate more sales because of your products/services; they will reduce costs because of your products/services; they will be more efficient and/or productive because of your products/services. It is your knowledge, expertise – Insight that is the foundation of your content.


Have we forsaken the liberty for which we paid so dearly?


To Enact Change, First One Needs to Adopt Another Perspective