How to Manage the Modern Company ...

Managing a company, more to the point, integrating people into a collaborative culture built for speed often eludes the executive team and HR. They are faced with obstacles including achieving wholehearted cooperation, energy, and commitment from large numbers of employees is difficult; department managers are not on the same page and often convey contradictory messages to managers; a dichotomy between Human Resources and Line Managers; and a lack of consistent tools and processes in managing the company’s labor force.

Future organizations should be set up along the lines of human body, which operates based on three key principles:

  • Free flow of thoughts that govern the functioning of the body

  • A flat decision-making hierarchy

  • The information flow is super fast and unrestricted

There is a fundamental commonality between the human body and successful organizations. Cells, which are fundamental building blocks, are designed in a complementary and mutually supporting structure and the work done by each cell and organ is well defined and not subject to interpretation.

While the brain is the center of strategy and direction and the heart distributes the most critical resources, the structure of the human body interdependent. A poorly functioning organ can impact the performance of the body.

Energy levels and performance are predicated on a balance of nutrition, training, and exercise - most of which are missing, substandard, and independent of a comprehensive corporate strategy and culture in most companies. Making this organizational transformation is critical as companies function in a global economy struggling through a pandemic, adhering to governance, and remaining competitive.

When integrating an organization with a single, integrated Total Capital Management™ function led by a single Chief Capital Officer™, you are choosing the organizational equivalent of the human body. If you continue to build an organization with separate Finance, HR, IT, Strategy, Quality, Communication, and Legal functions and each led by separate, multiple, C-level positions … you are choosing the organizational equivalent of a disparate and dysfunctional corporate culture.

I came across a company that has developed the processes, intellectual property, and tools to ease this transition. Check them out.


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