The 10 Components Necessary to Maximize the Value of Your Company

  1. Focus on profitability: Make sure your company is profitable or on a clear path to profitability. Company financials must be crisp, consistent, and ‘tells the company’s story.’

  2. Increase revenue: Can your company demonstrate a path to dynamic and/or sustained growth? Make sure the company follows a creative strategic marketing and sales plan.

  3. Reduce costs: Does the company have a process and performance improvement plan to control costs as the company grows?

  4. Build a strong team: It is critical to build a flat and responsive organization built for speed. This objective can only be achieved by building a Leadership Team to whom the CEO can delegate responsibility and authority, resolve conflicts, and hold each other accountable in a positive way.

  5. Focus on customer satisfaction: Companies must continually check the pulse of customer satisfaction and demonstrate it to potential buyers.

  6. Invest in technology and innovation: Stay ahead of the competition by investing in technology and innovation. This could involve improving existing processes, adopting new technologies, and ensuring the company and customer data is secure.

  7. Build a strong brand: Invest in building brand awareness and creating a positive reputation in the marketplace.

  8. Acquire new talent and ‘prune’ marginal talent. Accomplish this task through building strategic partnerships, invest in internal training, implement measurements against performance and build a positive culture by design to retain key employees.

  9. Focus on scalability: Build a business model that is scalable and can grow rapidly without requiring significant additional resources. This will help you maximize the value of your company and attract potential investors or buyers.

  10. Prepare for an exit: Even if you're not planning to sell your company right away, it's important to prepare to prepare for an eventual exit. Do you have an Exit Strategy plan? Hope is not a strategy.

About DSB Exit Strategy. DSB has transformed businesses into flat, flexible, responsive, and efficient organizations built for dynamic growth. We enable company ownership to maximize their valuation so they can sell their company on their terms in the future. Our uniqueness is that we combine revenue generation, financial acumen, building a culture of collaboration, and a history of successful engagements.


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