
Blog from DSB & Associates CEO, David Boim

7 Key Practices to Acquire and Retain Employees
David Boim David Boim

7 Key Practices to Acquire and Retain Employees

There has been a lot of press around the “Great Resignation.” Losing marginal employees is always welcomed. Losing Key Employees is a much different manner. How a company hires, trains, and manages employees should be a key best practice – always. For too many companies, it is too low a priority. Here are 7 Key Employee Practices every company should follow. It starts with the company’s culture.

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The 9 Ingredients for a Recipe to Fail
David Boim David Boim

The 9 Ingredients for a Recipe to Fail

Many entrepreneurial ventures fail – and for a variety of reasons. This blog focuses on nine (9) of these reasons, of which any one or combination of these reasons can lead to the demise of an enterprise. Interestingly, all our related to each other and it hard to discern when one failure behavior ends, and another begins.

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We are in the Midst of a Marketing Revolution
David Boim David Boim

We are in the Midst of a Marketing Revolution

We are in the midst of a marketing revolution. Every indication in the marketplace in regard to how people receive, accumulate, disseminate, and deliver information brings me to only a singular conclusion – we are in the midst of a communications revolution, and therefore, a marketing revolution. Allow me to crystallize my thoughts in regard to how your company’s marketing strategy should move forward in the future.

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10 Reasons People Resist Change
David Boim David Boim

10 Reasons People Resist Change

Leadership is about change, but what is a leader to do when faced with ubiquitous resistance, including their own failure to adopt a new perspective? Resistance to change manifests itself in many ways, from foot-dragging and inertia to petty sabotage to outright rebellions. The best tool for leaders of change is to understand the predictable, universal sources of resistance in each situation and then strategize around them.

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Why Your Proposals Fail
David Boim David Boim

Why Your Proposals Fail

Too often, salespeople fail to grasp the importance of the financial component in the sales process. They throw around the concept of Return of Investment (ROI) as if it is the ‘holy grail.’ Any sizeable project should include the financial justification for making that expenditure/investment. The proposal should be written as if a CIO will make the final decision.

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Understanding the Importance of Developing Your Company’s Qi - Ultimate Success vs. Eventual Failure
David Boim David Boim

Understanding the Importance of Developing Your Company’s Qi - Ultimate Success vs. Eventual Failure

Companies spend all of their time developing their outer strength around their product or services offerings (merchandising), operations, finance, marketing, sales, and customer service. It is a constant challenge of successes and failures. As a rule, those companies who execute these functions more successfully than their competitors fare better.

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5 Critical Challenges Facing Every CEO
David Boim David Boim

5 Critical Challenges Facing Every CEO

Companies face multiple challenges, all of which come down to these basic questions. How can the company address the challenge of growth in a marketplace defined by rapid technology challenges and a shifting cultural landscape?

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